Discovery of Golden-Tongued Mummies Unearthed in Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists digging at Qwaisana Archaeological Compound in Egypt have unearthed numerous ancient mummies, and some of them had golden tongues! Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities recently announced the new discoveries in a Facebook post. Dr. Mustafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council for Antiquities, said that while the mummies are in “a poor state of preservation” some of them were covered with thin sheets of gold and placed in wooden coffins, while others were glazed with “gold on the bone”.

Some of the mummies were buried with golden crockery and tiny gold lotus flowers, and the stone mortars and the pottery used in the embalming process were found alongisde the coffins. But what most interested the researchers were the mummies that had their natural tongues removed and replaced with golden versions.


One of the golden treasures found during the excavation was made in an extensive area of the Qwaisana archaeological complex. Ancient Origins covered the discovery of two 26th Dynasty (2,500-year-old) mummies with golden tongues that were excavated at El-Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus) about 160 km (99.4 mi) south-southwest of Cairo.

According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the deceased, and when he himself was killed, he was hacked into pieces that were scattered across Egypt. However, after gathering all the pieces together, Isis, his sister and lover, resurrected Osiris. A report in the Daily Mail states that Egyptologists believe the golden tongues were placed in mummies so that they could speak to the god of the dead – “to convince Osiris to show mercy on their soul”.

In essence, researchers speculate that the golden tongues were symbolic gifts to communicate with Osiris in the afterlife.


The ancient tombs of one of the mummies were discovered by archaeologists at the Temple of Taposiris Magna. In February 2021, Daily News Egypt reported that experts were excavating at the temple of Taposiris Magna, a burial site located in the central Nile Delta region, about 50 kilometers west of the city of Alexandria. The mummy discovered at this site was well-preserved and adorned with a golden tongue. Archaeologists told Ahram Online that the mummy’s royal tongues were removed during embalming and the golden tongues enabled the spirits of the deceased to communicate with Osiris, the god of the underworld.

Dr. Mustafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said archaeologists excavated three different burial levels of the Cueinean Archaeological Commission which has demonstrated various burial practices. Some of the newly discovered mummies were covered with “thin golden crochets and lotus flowers.” But why crochets and not scarab beetles? And why lotus flowers, and none of the hundreds of other species of plants used in Ancient Egypt?


Diving into the mysteries of the ancient Egyptians, it’s widely accepted that golden tongues allowed the deceased to communicate with Osiris. But how did they make use of these golden lotus flowers and crocodile lore? How would they have assisted the deceased in the afterlife?

Ancient Egyptian crocodile lore says that the god Khnum “banished crocodiles,” however, they were associated with death because they were seen consuming body parts in crypts and tombs. So, perhaps the inclusion of golden, or “divine” crocodile lore at the Egyptian burials ensured certain elements of a mummified were symbolically consumed to be reborn in the afterlife.


The Adventure at Qwaisanach Archeological Compound was an exciting experience organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The lush foliage was a symbol of creation and rebirth, encompassing all of ancient Egypt, preserving all dynasties. Additionally, it was reminiscent of the Sun because it closed its flowers and leaves beneath the water at night, only to reappear when greeted with the first morning light. The golden crocuses, lilies, and sunflowers, when interpreted together, speak of the soul’s transformation after successfully navigating the journey mentioned.

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